Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Draft 2 Summarize and Reader's Response of Globalization of Culture Through the Media

  In Kraidy article, “Globalization of Culture through the Media” (2002), he mentions about the western culture has impacted the globalization of culture over the world. The author also points out various debates between cultural imperialism and globalization as well as how the western countries influence the media and the developing countries. After that, he also discusses about the hybridization and he agrees with that the transnational mass media increase the hybridity that is present in the cultures over the world. Therefore, Kraidy has concluded the media could affect the "cohesion and fragmentation coexists" for globalization of culture, but not the "process of complete homogenization". 

  After finish reading the article written by Kraidy (2002), the key idea that I am going to evaluate is the hybridization. I agree with the point of view of Kraidy that the transnational mass media increase the hybridity that is present in the cultures over the world. According to the article, the cultures have been contacted through in different ways, like western colonialism, migration, or media for a period of time. In the past, majority of the developing countries were colonized by the western counties, which was induced the western and local cultures were hybrid to form a mixed civilizations and cultural forms. Simultaneously, the technologies of the global media have formed transnational images that connect throughout the world. As a result, it helps to speed up the hybridization around the world. While looking at current global situation, the global media also helps to speed up the spread of message around the world. For instance, many Asian countries started to learn spoken English since British Colonial Period, but due to the transnational mass media increase, the usage of English language has been speed up and became the world language throughout the years. Same as Japanese language, some of the countries who have been colonized by Japan were force to learn Japanese during the colonial period. However, after the world war-II, people are getting less interest to learn the Japanese, but due to the impact of global media, it helps to spread out the usage of Japanese and eventually it helps people to build up the learning interest of Japanese. In conclusion, the cultures from different countries were spread out in the past through colonialism or different ways and these countries had used the media as a tool for them to speed up the spread of cultures around the world. 

word count: 403 words


Kraidy, M. M. (2002). Globalization of Culture Through the Media. Retrieved February 13, 2014, from University of Pennsylvania,

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Summarize of Globalization of Culture Through the Media

  In Kraidy article (2002), he mentions about the western culture has impacted the globalization of culture over the world. The author also point out various debates between cultural imperialism and globalization as well as how the western countries influence the media and the developing countries. After that, he also discusses about the hybridization and he agrees with that the transnational mass media increase the hybridity that is present in the cultures over the world. Therefore, Kraidy has concluded the media could affect the "cohesion and fragmentation coexists" for globalization of culture, but not the "process of complete homogenization".

  After finish reading the article written by Kraidy (2002), the key idea that I am going to evaluate is the hybridization. I agree with the point of view of Kraidy that the transnational mass media increase the hybridity that is present in the cultures over the world. According to the article, the cultures have been contacted through in different ways, like western colonialism, migration, or media for a period of time. In the past, majority of the developing countries were colonized by the western counties, which was induced the western and local cultures were hybrid to form a mixed civilizations and cultural forms. Simultaneously, the technologies of the global media have formed transnational images that connect throughout the world. As a result, it was help to speed up the hybridization around the world. Other than media, education system is also one of the factors that help to speed up the hybridization of cultures. For example, during the colonial period, the education system of Singapore has been influenced by the British, which majorities of the Singaporean have been educated by English. As a result, learning English and local languages together were formed the hybrid product of mixed language which known as “Singlish”. As majorities of the Singaporean have been learned English since their childhood, eventually they would also influenced by the western cultures throughout their life.

  In conclusion, the global media may not be the only factors that influenced the cultural hybridity, there might have other factors made cultures over the globe hybrid as the article had stated there is lacked of prove to support  relationship between the media and hybridity due to the complicated of the issue.

Last edited on 13 Feb 2014

Thursday, February 6, 2014

An Event that has Shaped My Life and the Person I have Become

  The event that has shaped my life happened years ago. It started in my primary two when one of my teachers introduced different type of occupations to us and I get attracted by the term “Engineer”. Maybe due to my curiosity and mathematics is my favorite subject at that moment, I wanted to become an Engineer right from that moment.
   As I am only interested on mathematics among all the subjects, I have been over focus on mathematics and neglected my other subjects. As a result, my overall results have been pulled down by other subjects and I have been assigned to last few classes when I was in primary four. After being assigned to the class, I started giving up on my studies and refused to do any homework that assigned by the teachers. Everything changed when I met my primary four’s class teacher; she came and talked to me personally during a recess. She told me that one of the most important requirements to become an engineer is I should start by being a responsible person. After the conversation, I picked myself up and did my best in academia.

  My teacher transferred to another school towards the end of my primary four school year and I also managed get a better result in the rest of my primary school time. After that, I kept her words close to heart and continued working hard in my secondary school, Polytechnic, and finally get into NUS. I believe if I had not met her in my life, I would have given up on my studies half way through my study life.

(270 words)

Last edited on 12 of Feb 2014